Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years!!

Hi everyone! Long time no see, huh??? I have no idea where December went. I was either sick or busy with the doggies. I am dedicating this next year of my life to getting it on track. I'm not giving myself any specific goals, just to stay being me. I'm in a pretty good place right now mentally and I'm on the right road just have to keep it up now. The hardest thing for me will be to downsize the number of dogs that I have. But the responsible Breeder has to take over in me and realize I cannot reach my goals of getting my own place with this many. I will never get "out" of dogs and will always be breeding. That I can never see myself stopping. I'd like to take a trip this year, to someplace I've never been. A vacation without the doggies just me, thats something I've never done. My vacations always consisted of going to dog shows in the motorhome. Not that it was bad, I've been to tons of small towns I would have never found that turned out to be very neat. Thats my New Years rant! Hope you all have a very Happy and Safe New Years!!!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008