Friday, September 21, 2007

New site coming soon...

Hi everybody! Just a heads up that my site will be down sometime in the next week for 24- 48 hours. I am switching servers so it will take a bit for that to go through. Yesterday afternoon my phone rings and guess who it is??? making sure I was satisfied with everything and making sure I didn't need anything else!!! I was speechless. If you have a site and need Hosting or Domain names use! They are fantastic. Hopefully by the end of next month my new site should be ready to unviel. I just love Staci's work and she is just the sweetest. I will have a new shopping cart too so you won't have to email me with your orders anymore. I am off to feed the monkeys!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sneak Peek...

Hi everybody! Here is a sneak peek of my next Magazine Project... Its off in the mail to my Editor. And those gorgeous beadies you see are yet another fantastic set from Deborah Burch (Contessa). I have so many exciting design ideas in my sketchbook. Those will have to wait though. I am busy today trying to get my mom's next appointment moved up. I am so sick and tired of Dr's who have waaayyyyyy too many patients and don't have the time to care about any of them. They just throw them on the back burner. Its been over a year that we have been trying to get my mom in for a trial for her spine. We finally now have a good neurologist who is really trying to move things along. Please everyone say a prayer we can get her in soon and that this new pump will work for her. I put up a link on the side to a very cool site for Cancer info. Kris had a special on TLC a few weeks back and I was so taken by it. Even if you have no ties at all to cancer pick her book up trust me you will love it! It is so amazing the will power she has. Go check out Crazy Sexy Cancer let me know what you think. I also put up new Contest questions on the site...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Custom Orders...

Here are a few Custom Orders that I have done in the past few weeks. I LOVE my Customers! Thank you ;-) I have tons going on behind the scenes here so I have to get back to organizing...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Think warm thoughts...

As I type this it is sleeting out right now, 50degrees and windy. Yuck! Heres a nice brite summery piece to cheer you up ;-)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Olives and sunshine...

Hi guys! Here's another Bracelet in my newest link design. I think it has an Italian inspiration in color and form. I have a craving for olives so thats where the title came from! Can't wait to go shopping today... I'm off lots to do we are having fish delivered for our pond today I will have pictures tomorrow.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Retro Infusion...

There will be tons of changes going on in my life in the next few months. Including a move! (more about that soon) Right now I am writing a Tutorial for Step By Step Wire Jewelry Fed/Mar Issue. Naturally Thunderbird is out of 18ga wire. So Fusion here I come! They are always in stock with what I need. But thats what I get for not keeping enough on hand...
One of the big changes will be a brand spanking new site! I will be working with Staci from Quirky Bird soon. I LOVE her designs and she is just the sweetest. Trust me you will LOVE my new site.
On a sad note my Uncle was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer and my Grandmother's Cancer is back and has spread. She has been in remission for two years now. My mom is also still battling with her back, but her neurologist has given us some hope with a few managment options. Now the next step is making appointments with another Dr who will be performing Trials. We have been trying for two weeks now with no luck!
The Bracelet above is from a Custom Order that I sent to Deborah Burch (Contessa). I recieved the sweetest card from Rachel Place (Fancy Pants) and fell in love with the colors on the front. I sent the card off to Deborah and she made me a ton of gorgeous beadies. These were a few that were in that set.
Please excuse the mess I made out of my site! Go check out the new Contest, everyone seems to love it! Enjoy your day ;-)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Clothesline and sinker...

Welcome to my new Blog!!! I decided to move my Studio News page to an actual blog again. Well yesterday I just finished up my very first Juried Art Show, the historic Clothesline Arts Festival. First I was just thrilled to be accepted into this amazing show, the depth of quality from all of the Artists was just amazing. Saturday was absolutly gorgeous, sunny with a hint of a breeze here and there. For majority of the day I had a packed booth to boot! I sold a nice mix of everything over the weekend. My newest design which debuted was a huge hit. I am not a huge pearl fan but I came up with a design I love. Its a three-strand Necklace that features my very own unique mix of Freshwater pearls. I painstakingly strung each pearl by hand too. You can twist them or leave them loose too. I also made the cones for each end and of coarse the clasp too. They look amazing on everyone too. Keep an eye out on the site for a few that will be up this weekend.

Sunday rained all day long, everything got soaked. I did seal the seams of my tent but forgot to scotch guard the rest of the top so when it was a heavy rain we got a nice mist in the tent. But that doesn't hurt the Jewelry. And the rain didn't stop diehard Clothesline fans.

I also have to say a huge Thanks to my two amazing assistants, my Aunt Andrea and my Dad. I was lucky to meet so many very talented Artists. I cannot wait for my next show...

And I also tweaked my site a little. Complete with my new Contest! I will have a ton of new Jewelry up on the site by this weekend.