Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Endevours...

Hi guys! Well my newest magazine article is out on the newsstands. Go pick up the latest issue of Bead Unique, yours truly is on page 68 and 69! I have had a pretty hard last couple of weeks at work. Its led me to start looking for something else to do, ideally I would love to make Jewelry a bigger part of my job. So an opportunity kind of fell in my lap yesterday. I'm going to be teaching! Now I have a week to come up with my classes and hope they fill up. I was just saying to someone last week, 'Gee, I would love to get into teaching my Jewelry designs'. Hopefully this will be the kick in the butt I need to get back on the designing wagon. I've been tapped out creatively lately. I'll post more info on my classes as soon as I get it. Hope everyone has a great week!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Magazine Article!

Hi guys! I have a new goodie to show you... I have a project in Bead Unique's Spring Issue out January 20th. On the current issue page there are 2 photos one of a finished Bracelet and on the bottom there is a wire clasp. The project is for my Freestyle Wire Clasps. Heres the link:

This is my first time in Bead Unique and hopefully it won't be my last! It's inspiring me to get my sketch book and wire out and play...

Monday, January 5, 2009

The joys of being busy...

Hi guys! The last two weeks at work have been insane, I am over exhausted, and going back to work tonight. Tomorrow I have off! Going to finally have my brakes fixed and do some much needed retail therapy. Last night I watched the movie "The Man With Two Brains" and old Steve Martin film. That has to be the funniest movie I have seen in forever. You have to go rent it nextflix it, whatever its a must see.
Well I'm off to feed my crew and head off to work!!